About the survey

The MPR News | APM Research Lab 2017 Ground Level Survey of Minnesotans

Given the rapid economic, demographic, and political changes that our state has been through in recent years, we wanted to better understand what is on the minds of Minnesotans. What divides us? What unites us?

We asked a representative sample of more than 1,600 Minnesotans — from the Twin Cities and throughout Greater Minnesota and our major regional centers — what they think about everything from their own personal finances to the future of our state. Their responses provide insights on jobs, health care, immigration, the environment, and much more.

The survey has an overall margin of error of +/-3.5 percentage points at the 90 percent confidence level. Data collection was conducted via telephone (42% landline, 58% cell phone), August 22 - September 14, 2017 by SSRS of Glenn Mills, Penn.

For a detailed report on survey methods see the APM Research Lab report.

Ground Level is the first major original research project conducted by the newly-formed APM Research Lab, and the most in-depth survey ever conducted by MPR News.