If you don't have money for college, how far can 'grit' get you?

The University of Minnesota campus.
"Grit" is a buzzword in conversations about college access these days. But if you don't have the money for college, how far can grit really get you?
Sam Harper for MPR News file

"Grit" seems to be a buzzword in conversations about college access these days.

It often goes like this: If you just have enough determination, you can carve out your own path to a degree.

But if you don't have the money for college, how far can grit really get you?

In her book "When Grit Isn't Enough," Linda F. Nathan writes that grit "is not the holy grail that it has been cracked up to be, and it certainly is not the cure-all it has been portrayed as in so much education literature."

Nathan, the former headmaster of a Boston public high school, is now the executive director of the Center for Artistry and Scholarship.

She joined MPR News host Kerri Miller to discuss grit and college access.

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