President Trump's White House: chaos or effective leadership?

President Trump
President Trump makes a statement in the Diplomatic Room at the White House in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 14, 2017.
Nicholas Kamm | AFP | Getty Images

When the Mayor of New Orleans teasingly labeled President Trump "King Chaos" at the Gridiron Dinner last weekend the President laughed along. Shortly after, he said "I like chaos. It really is good."

But political observers are raising serious questions about how a White House — and a country — can be run in a maelstrom of mixed policy signals, constant leaks and damaging scandals.

Still, President Trump isn't the first president to have a tumultuous first year.

MPR News Host Kerri Miller asked two guests to examine the idea of chaos at the top and whether if interferes with the security and stability of the country.

Miller spoke with:

Hitendra Wadhwa, Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia School of Business and founder of the Institute for Personal Leadership.

Tim Walch, Director Emeritus of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library.

Use the audio player above to hear the full discussion.