The winner of our most-loved Minnesota lake contest is ... Lake Superior

Lake Superior has triumphed as Minnesota's favorite.
Lake Superior has triumphed as Minnesota's favorite.
William Lager | MPR News

The monthlong contest for Minnesota's most-loved lake is over, and Lake Superior has won.

The great lake bested Lake Kabetogama in the final round, which concluded Monday at noon.

Some people said Lake Superior shouldn't count in the voting because Minnesota shares its shoreline, but Minnesotans' attachment to their 189 miles of Superior's shores was too strong for that argument.

Superior and its 3 quadrillion gallons of water — 10 percent of the planet's surface freshwater — beat the 271 nominated lakes it battled.

During the voting, MPR News and the Water Main asked for what makes their favorite lake so special. Superior fans came out in droves via the Public Insight Network. Here are some of their responses:

Lake Superior is my Glory Hallelujah space. Its sparkle; its power; its voice. I come to it for peace, for surprise, for laughter, for tears. It is the lake of my heart and my spirit. Hallelujah! Every time. — Beverly Blomgren

Lake Superior is my touchstone to my family, in the present and past. I grew up on the shores of this Grand Lady and will be forever grateful for her strength, beauty, and wilderness. This majestic Lake Superior has taught me to be a strong, independent and fearless person. — Suzanne McTiver

I grew up in Como Park Saint Paul, Minnesota. We visited my uncle's cabin on Mille Lacs quite often, spent a lot of time in Park Rapids, MN exploring the lakes, but my favorite lake to visit was Superior. I was only a few years old, but I remember the beautiful sunny day when Superior and sky were one vast blue sea and my father told me (as I had not yet seen the ocean) that this was just like looking out onto the ocean. He explained how it appeared to be endless as you could not see the other side of the lake, just like the sea. I was amazed! I lived by the sea in South Carolina for a few years but I knew my future forever home would someday be on the rocky north shore of Lake Superior. — Stefanie Loeffler

The Water Main and MPR News will host a performance on Superior's shore as its award for winning. Details will be announced soon.