How the #MeToo era might make a difference for who's the next Supreme Court justice

Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in.
Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in before the Senate Judiciary Committee during a Supreme Court confirmation hearing in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol .
Drew Angerer | Getty Images

Some 30 years ago Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas, then a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, of sexual misconduct.

Thomas is currently a Supreme Court Justice.

Now, another woman is accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

But 2018 is a different era than 1991. Will the #MeToo movement make a difference in Kavanaugh's confirmation?

MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with three experts about what we can expect from Kavanaugh's confirmation process over the next several weeks.


Kimberly Atkins, chief Washington reporter for the Boston Herald

Walter Olson, senior fellow at the Cato Institute

Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, professor of law at Stetson University

Use the audio player above to hear the full segment.