Which Minnesota 3rd Congressional District candidate do you agree with most?

Rep. Erik Paulsen, right, and Dean Phillips
Rep. Erik Paulsen, right, and Dean Phillips at their debate at Minnesota Public Radio on Oct. 5.
Tony Saunders | MPR News

Dean Phillips, a Democrat and businessman, is challenging Republican Rep. Erik Paulsen to represent Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District.

Paulsen first won the western Twin Cities' seat in Congress in 2008, but Phillips is making this race a close one.

These candidates have plastered the airwaves with advertisements and outside money has flowed in on both sides.

If you're among the undecided voters in the district, try out this quiz to see which candidate most aligns with your thinking.

To be clear, MPR News is not telling you how to vote in this race. Select A Candidate quizzes are meant to show who's running and where they stand on major issues.

Here's the quiz:

(Don't see the quiz? Click here.)

Share your results with your friends and talk about what matters to you this election with other Minnesotans in our Ground Level Facebook group.

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