Watch: Inauguration Day in Minnesota

Tim Walz takes the oath of office for Minnesota governor.
Tim Walz takes the oath of office for Minnesota governor during the inauguration ceremony Monday.
Evan Frost | MPR News

A changeover in Minnesota government comes Monday with the inauguration of four new statewide officials and one incumbent.

All of the top positions in state government will be held by DFLers. Tim Walz will be sworn in as Minnesota's 41st governor, while Peggy Flanagan becomes lieutenant governor. Taking over as attorney general is Keith Ellison while Julie Blaha becomes auditor. Steve Simon will begin a second term as secretary of state.

The DFL swept the constitutional offices in November's election for the third straight time.

Walz will be the first Democrat in state history to succeed a two-term governor from his party when he takes the oath at noon and Mark Dayton's tenure ends.

Watch the inauguration ceremonies live