The Greener Good

The Greener Good series: How does business adapt?

Chris Farrell, senior economics contributor at Marketplace and MPR News, hosts episode two of The Greener Good: How does business adapt?

You want your company to go green. You understand the science, and you support sustainability. But what’s the best strategy? How do you adapt your business and preserve jobs? What about supply chains? Shifting business models to be more environmentally friendly can feel expensive, at least in the short term. But doing nothing is not an option if you want your business to survive.


Dave Rapaport is the global social mission officer for Ben & Jerry’s. Prior to working for the Vermont ice cream company, he was vice president of earth and community care for Aveda. 

Charlotte Bande is the global head of climate strategy at Quantis, a consultancy that guides top organizations to define, shape and implement intelligent environmental sustainability solutions.

Daniel Esty is an environmental lawyer and policymaker. Currently, he’s the Hillhouse professor at Yale University with appointments at Yale Law School and the Yale School of the Environment. In 2006, he published “Green to Gold: How Smart Companies use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value and Build Competitive Advantage.”

The program was recorded on May 18, 2021. Presented by MPR News and Bank of America.