MPR News with Angela Davis

What's it like to start a new job remotely?

A woman in a denim shirt working from home.
Starting a new job is hard enough as it is. Starting one during a pandemic? That adds an additional layer of stress.
Ivan Samkov on Pexels

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. What’s getting less attention is the difficulty of starting a new job when so many of them have gone remote.

A transition to a new position — especially for people early in their careers — can be stressful in the best of times. Add on getting to know policies, routines and workplace culture from a distance? It can be daunting.

MPR News guest host Chris Farrell talks with two workplace experts about how to make the most of a new remote job.


  • Connie Wanberg is a professor in the work and organizations department at the Carlson School of Management.

  • Jody Thompson is co-founder and CEO of CultureRx, a professional services firm.

Use the audio player above to listen to the program.

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