Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

A breakdown of the staggering alleged fraud at Feeding Our Future

The front of a building.
The front of the building that houses the Feeding Our Future offices is seen in this Sahan Journal file photo from July 2020.
Jaida Grey Eagle | Sahan Journal

When the COVID-19 pandemic sent many school children and adult workers home, the federal government released millions of dollars to local organizations across the country to provide food for people with low incomes.

Feeding Our Future is a St. Anthony, Minn.-based organization that received $244 million to do just that. But the FBI is alleging employees there set up shell companies and paid themselves millions of dollars instead. It’s a huge fraud investigation that is still developing.

Andrew Hazzard has been reporting on the story for Sahan Journal. He joined host Cathy Wurzer with the latest.

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