Ask a bookseller

Ask A Bookseller: 'A Rake of His Own'

Ask a Bookseller Podcast
Ask a Bookseller

In this week’s Ask a Bookseller, Shayne Molt of Indigo Bridge in Lincoln, Neb., recommends the fantasy romance novel “A Rake of His Own” by A.J Lancaster.

It’s a gaslamp fantasy, an LGBTQ+ romance set in an Edwardian-esque world that is not our own. While there are new devices such as automobiles on the road, there is also magic.

A book cover
“A Rake of His Own” by A.J Lancaster.
Courtesy image

Marius, the botanist main character, can read minds, but Molt said it’s not a gift like most people would think.

“Because in the past, it has led to people going insane, and he has actually found himself very ostracized,” Molt said.

Add to that the character’s struggles to accept his sexuality in a homophobic society.

“AJ Lancaster just writes really adorable characters that you just want to give a hug and let them know that everything’s going to be ok,” Molt said.

It’s a self-published book, which Molt first encountered on Amazon Kindle, but she liked it so much, her store now carries it.