Minnesota Housing News

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Minnesota home sales up from 2023 to 2024
Home sales statewide in Minnesota rose by just over one percent from 2023 to 2024, according to newly released statistics from three of the state's largest real estate associations: Minnesota Realtors, Minneapolis Area Realtors and St. Paul Area Association of Realtors.
First phase of Mankato’s supportive housing project receives $7.2 million state grant
Mankato is one of many communities around Minnesota facing challenges as people experience chronic homelessness. One barrier is the lack of affordable housing, but there are continuing efforts moving unhoused people into permanent supportive housing. 
Residents of condemned St. Paul apartment suddenly displaced again
Former residents of St. Paul’s Lowry Building apartments have been suddenly displaced twice in the last month — once when the troubled building was condemned, and again this week when their temporary housing ended.
Minneapolis land trust homeowners shocked by big property tax increases
Many homeowners across Minnesota are facing an increase in their property taxes next year. But owners of land trust houses in Minneapolis are facing whopping tax increases of more than 40 percent after a change in state law. Low-income owners in the program say it puts them in a tough spot.
100-plus cities in the U.S. banned homeless camping this year. But will it work?
The burst of new laws follows a landmark Supreme Court ruling, and reflects public frustration with record-high homelessness. But advocates say fines and jail time will only make the problem worse.