Local photographer portrays breast cancer survivors

Jila Nikpay
Twin Cities photographer and filmmaker Jila Nikpay's poetry and photography of women with breast cancer is compiled in a new book called "Heroines: Transformation in the Face of Breast Cancer."
Photo courtesy of Jila Nikpay

Several years ago, Jila Nikpay began taking pictures of breast cancer survivors, photographing women who were strong in the face of illness, women she saw as heroines of their own stories.

Her new book features black-and-white pictures of 21 Minnesota women, ranging in age from 33 to more than 70 years old.

Jila Nikpay has won numerous awards for her work, which has been on display a number of places, including the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art in Iran.

Her book of photographs is called, "Heroines: Transformation in the Face of Breast Cancer."

Nikpay will present her book Saturday, April 8 at the Minnesota Center for Books Arts in Minneapolis. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. and is free to the public. Her pictures will be on display in the Open Book Gallery through April 15.

Nikpay talked with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.