Campaigns plot strategy with a week to go before the election

Campaign managers
The campaign managers for the three major party candidates for governor. From left to right: Jon Youngdahl, campaign manager for Mike Hatch; Steve Struthers, campaign manager for Peter Hutchinson; Mike Krueger, campaign manager for Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
MPR Photo/Jim Bickal

With the election just a week away, there a new poll from the University of Minnesota shows DFL gubernatorial candidate Mike Hatch leading incumbent Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty 45-39 percent. Independence Party candidate Peter Hutchinson receives 9 pecent in the poll.

The candidates are out campaigning and their staffs are working day and night, behind the scenes, to get the message out and voters to the polls.

MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with the three managers of those campaigns. Mike Krueger is in charge of Gov. Pawlenty's campaign. Jon Youngdahl manages the Hatch campaign. Steve Struthers is the manager for the Hutchinson campaign.