Money race is close in 3rd District

Madia courts potential delegates
Congressional candidate Ashwin Madia talks with DFL delegates at a district convention in March.
MPR Photo/Curtis Gilbert

In another sign 3rd Congressional District race is one of the hottest in the county, DFL candiate Ashwin Madia announced Monday he has raised more than a million dollars for his campaign.

Madia raked in close to $700,000 between April and June. His Republican opponent State Rep. Erik Paulsen announced last week he raised more than $600,000 dollars during that same period.

The two are close in the overall money race, while Independence Party Candidate David Dillon lags far behind.

Madia says he worked hard for the money.

"Mostly just pounding the phones and pounding the doors and getting our message out. Mostly just talking to ordinary voters all over the state," Madia said.

Madia and Paulsen are running for the seat currently held by retiring Republican Jim Ramstad. The 3rd district covers the Western suburbs of Minneapolis.