Congressmen unswayed by changes to bailout bill

Protesters oppose bailout
People rally on Wall Street last week against the proposed government buyout of financial firms.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The U.S. House is expected to take up the $700 billion financial rescue plan Friday.

The package easily passed the Senate Wednesday evening, and it includes some amendments that congressional leaders hope will be enough to sway reluctant lawmakers.

The vote will come just days after House lawmakers rejected an earlier version of the bill, sending markets plunging around the globe.

Four members of Minnesota's congressional delegation voted against the bill on Monday -- Republicans Michele Bachmann and Jim Ramstad, and Democrats Tim Walz and Collin Peterson.

Morning Edition's Cathy Wurzer spoke with both Walz and Peterson about the bailout.

Peterson, who represents the 7th District, said he will not support the Senate version of the bill.

Walz, of the 1st District, said the bill passed by the Senate is better than the one the House rejected earlier this week, but he's still planning to vote against it in its current form.

Follow the links at right to listen to both conversations.