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Easy come, easy go for Franken…

The recount in Minneapolis has found that the ballot is 133 votes short of the votes counted on Election Day. Minneapolis Elections Director Cindy Reichert said she believes elections officials in the precinct ran some ballots through the machine twice. Campaign officials say Franken lost 36 votes. Franken's campaign says the explanation doesn't make sense and want Elections officials to keep looking. Franken spokesman Andy Barr says the campaign's numbers now show more people signed in to vote at the precinct than there are ballots recounted there.

The latest development comes one day after Franken picked up 37 votes after ballots were found in Ramsey County.

Meanwhile, Franken's campaign is withdrawing a fifth of its challenges (633). Republican Norm Coleman's attorney said he intends to wait until the recount is over on Friday before they start withdrawing their challenges.

Meanwhile, more ballots to examine!