Campaigns raise nearly $4M for recount efforts

The recount operations of Republican Senator Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken are flush with millions of dollars in cash. Federal Election Commission reports for fundraising through late last month came due yesterday.

Between them, Coleman and Franken's recount fundraising took in nearly $4 million in just three weeks after the Nov. 4 election. Franken's campaign, combined with money from a joint Franken-Minnesota DFL committee, collected $2.1 million. Coleman's campaign took in more than $1.8 million.

As of Nov. 24, the last day of the latest reporting period, the Coleman side had $2.1 million dollars in cash compared to Franken's $1.9 million, once again a combined Franken-Mn DFL committee number.

Coleman and Franken are still working to raise more money. Both sides now say they expect the recount will cost each of them more than $2 million, that's double what they were initially projecting.