Infamous 'Lizard People' ballot rejected by board

A challeneged ballot with a write-in
A challeneged ballot with a write-in. The voter cast their ballot for Al Franken, but also put "Lizard People" as a write-in candidate, not only in the U.S. Senate race, but for several others. The county auditor/treasurer ruled that the vote should not be counted because it's considered an overvote. Representatives for Franken challenged that decision.
MPR Photo/Tom Robertson

One of the most talked about ballots during the recount was the infamous "Lizard People" ballot. It showed up on various news Web sites and even television.

Today, that ballot came up to the State Canvassing Board for review and was rejected as an over vote. However, a similar write-in vote was cast on another ballot, this one for the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the board ruled that the vote would go to Al Franken.

Lucas Davenport
25-year-old Bemidji resident Lucas Davenport claims he was the person who wrote in Lizard People on his ballot.
MPR Photo/Jess Mador

Tom Crann talked with the voter who cast the "Lizard People" ballot, Lucas Davenport, about what he thought about his ballot being rejected.

Lucas Davenport lives and votes in Bemidji and no, he's not related to the fictional character of the same name from the John Sandford novels.

Minnesota Public Radio has verified Lucas's precinct information and compared his writing with the ballot in question.