State of the Arts Blog

The Oscars: the winners, and the almost-winners


The King's Speech took home Academy Awards for best film, best actor, best director and best original screenplay

Well it appears that Academy Awards was, for the most part, predictable. There was a lot of momentum behind the King's Speech, Colin Firth, and Natalie Portman respectively. In truth, what I found more interesting was to look at who local critics thought should win. In doing so, they reveal their own personal preferences, and how they compare to industry/popular standards. Here's how they spread out in the top three categories:

In the category of Best Picture

Colin Covert of the Star Tribune

Should and/or Will win: Toss up between Social Network and True Grit

Chris Hewitt of the Pioneer Press

Will win: The King's Speech

Should Win: Toy Story 3

Euan Kerr, MPR Arts Reporter

Will win: The King's Speech

Should win: Winter's Bone

Stephanie Curtis, MPR Movie Maven

Will Win: The Social Network

Should Win: Winter's Bone

The winner: The King's Speech

In the category of Best Actor

Colin Covert

Will win: Colin Firth, "The King's Speech"

Should win: Jeff Bridges, "True Grit"

Chris Hewitt

Will win: Colin Firth, "The King's Speech"

Should win: James Franco, "127 Hours"

Euan Kerr

Will win: Colin Firth, "The King's Speech"

Should win: Javier Bardem, "Biutiful"

Stephanie Curtis

Should and Will win - James Franco, "127 Hours"

The Winner: Colin Firth, "The King's Speech"

In the category of Best Actress

Colin Covert

Should win: Jennifer Lawrence, "Winter's Bone"

Will Win: Natalie Portman, "Black Swan"

Euan Kerr

Should win: Annette Benning, "The Kids Are All Right"

Will Win: Natalie Portman, "Black Swan"

Stephanie Curtis

Should win: Annette Benning, "The Kids Are All Right"

Will Win: Natalie Portman, "Black Swan"

Chris Hewitt

Should win: Michelle Williams, "Blue Valentine"

Will win: Natalie Portman, "Black Swan"

The Winner: Natalie Portman