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Bachmann book sells just 3,000 copies in two weeks

WASHINGTON - Michele Bachmann's weak poll numbers may be showing up in slow sales of her memoir,

Core of Conviction

. In the two weeks since the book was released, it's sold just 3,000 copies despite a media blitz and numerous book-signing events by Bachmann.

Those numbers come from Nielsen BookScan, which gets the information directly from, Barnes & Noble and most other retailers. The company estimates its sales numbers capture 75 percent of the book market although it currently does not get information from discount retailers Wal-Mart or Sam's Club.

As of 5 PM ET on Wednesday, the book ranked 4,200 on Amazon's bestseller list, although it ranked 62 on the site's political bestseller list.

The Nielsen figures also don't include bulk purchases made by political campaigns and outside groups. In the run-up to the book launch, Bachmann's campaign was offering donors an autographed copy of the book for $75.

A representative of the book's publisher, Sentinel Press, declined to comment about the sales figures, citing a long-standing policy.