Daily Circuit Blog

How we found Vikings QB Christian Ponder’s university research

The last person I thought I'd be contacting for a show about bad bosses was Vikings quarterback Christian Ponder.

When I got in touch with management professor Wayne Hochwarter to see if he could do the show, he said he'd send along some of his research and articles in which he's been quoted.

He really is THE guy to talk to about this.

One of the articles was co-written by C. Ponder. I took absolutely no notice, but then Wayne got back to me and said he'd like to get in touch with his former research assistant, QB Christian Ponder, and wondered if I could help. I thought he was joking until I remembered that Ponder went to Florida State University -- where Hochwarter teaches -- and got an MBA. Maybe Wayne wasn't kidding after all.

I decided to see what I could do. I placed a call to the Vikings public relations department this morning and I just got this tweet back:

@kryssypease information has been passed along! Let's hope they reunite.

I did have the foresight to leave out the fact that I'm a Milwaukee girl and a Packers fan.

I'll keep you updated on our quest!

--Kryssy Pease, associate producer