Writer travels Europe with a 1963 guidebook

Eiffel Tower
Tourists and residents in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Photo by CLEMENS BILAN/AFP/Getty Images

When Minneapolis writer Doug Mack found a 1963 copy of Frommer's "Europe on Five Dollars a Day," he first laughed at how outdated it was, and then he got inspired. He decided that he would try to follow the nearly half century old guidebook on a trip through Europe's great cities.

Mack's mother had used the same book to make a "Grand Tour" of Europe in the late 1960s. He dug up her old letters from the trip, and along with the book, used them to begin planning his trip.

Now he's written about his modern day budget-conscious adventure in a new book, "Europe on Five Wrong Turns a Day."

Cathy Wurzer talks with Doug Mack about his travels.