State of the Arts Blog

Art Hounds: Dances Made to Order, Jon Reischl and Common Room tours

"Adjustmen" by Jon Reischl (Image courtesy of the Burnsville Performing Arts Center)

This week the hounds are all about new ways of seeing. They offer a new way to bring dance performance into your home, a new perspective on the common spaces in the Twin Cities, and a new way to visualize elusive memories.

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Kelly Krantz, who makes mini-comics and zines, went on one of the Soap Factory's Common Room tours last week that she can't stop talking about it. Andy Sturdevant, who curates the August series along with Sergio Vucci, led a tour of the Mall of America, where he revealed the back story, controversy and little known facts about this 20 year-old institution. Krantz says these artist-led tours reveal our connection to these commons spaces and give a new perspective on places that may seem familiar. There are two more tours this year (you just missed yesterday's skyway tour): next Wednesday will be a tour of urban agriculture in Minneapolis and the final tour of the season will be a tour of "invisible Minneapolis" on Aug. 22. This tour will take you to the sites of structures that never were built because they lost out to other plans.

Artist Jeremy Szopinski says that Jon Reischl's paintings capture the strange qualities of memories. The spaces may be slightly off, the time may not be in perfect order, but those memories can evoke powerful emotions. Szopinski also likes that Reischl's paintings allow viewers to create their own narratives with images ranging from the tragic to the comic. Jon Reischl's exhibit "Pilgrims" is currently on display at the Burnsville Performing Arts Center through Sept. 8.

Artist and choreographer Brinsley Davis is really excited about a new project bringing new dances by local choreographers to a computer near you. Dances Made to Order features dances from a different city every month and this month you can see new works curated by Laurie Van Wieren from Twin Cities choreographers Laura Holway & Ben McGinley, Kenna-Camara Cottman and Pramila Vasudevan. Davis is particularly interested in how these artists take advantage of the things that can be done in video that can't be accomplished in a normal theater setting. You "buy a ticket" to access all three videos and 75 percent of the proceeds go to the artists involved. For more Art Hounds' recommendations, check us out on Facebook and Twitter. Art Hounds is also available as a podcast on iTunes. Art Hounds is powered by the Public Insight Network.