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State Senate earmarks $500,000 for Brodkorb suit

Members of the Rules Committee in the Minnesota Senate met today to discuss the Senate budget and to approve legal fees. (MPR Photo/Tom Scheck)
Senate Rules Committee
Members of the Rules Committee in the Minnesota Senate met today to discuss the Senate budget and to approve legal fees. (MPR Photo/Tom Scheck)

The Minnesota Senate is planning to spend $500,000 for litigation in the case involving  former GOP communications director Michael Brodkorb.

Brodkorb is suing the state for wrongful termination. He was fired in late 2011, one day after GOP Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch stepped down from her leadership position. Brodkorb claims he was discriminated against because female staffers were not fired after having relationships with male lawmakers.  The Senate contends Brodkorb was fired legally.

The Senate Rules Committee approved a budget that provides for $502,000 in legal fees over the next two fiscal years.

Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, said the money is not intended to be used for a settlement. He also said he doesn't know if they've budgeted enough to cover the full cost of the suit.  The Rules Committee approved nearly $28,000 in legal bills for the last three months bringing the Senate's total bill to $227,000 in the case.