On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Movies, housing and transgender students

Elizabeth Warren's Student Loan Fairness Act Gains Endorsement Of More Than 1,000 Professors Warren's proposal, presented in May, would offer the same interest rate on federal Stafford loans as the one that banks receive from the Federal Reserve. Under her plan, the rate on government-issued student loans would fall from 6.8 percent to 0.75 percent, saving students thousands over the life of their loans. (The Huffington Post)

How Do We Feel About Higher Education? Look to the Movies They’re just summer blockbusters, sure, but they present a rather dim view of the importance of the classroom. (Pacific Standard via NAICU)

Transgender students face obstacles at college To a transgender person, even the seemingly innocuous act of going to the restroom comes with difficulty. (USA Today)

Community colleges adding housing As new options pop up at two-year colleges, debt experts caution students to watch costs. (USA Today via University Business)

‘Non-Traditional’ Students Are Majority on College Campuses The word “college” tends to call to mind images of fresh-faced young students studying, living and, yes, partying on or near leafy suburban campuses. But that picture only describes a small fraction of the nation’s 18 million undergraduates—even though such students dominate the public debate over the value of a college education. (The Wall Street Journal via NAICU)