Today's Question Blog

Did the NFL take the right action with Adrian Peterson?

Adrian Peterson has been suspended for the remainder of this season without pay, MPR News reported. The Vikings running back has been on paid leave since September when he was charged with abusing his 4-year-old son.

In a statement to Peterson, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he had violated the league's personal conduct policy. Goodell cited three reasons for the action: that the victim, Peterson's son, was just 4 years old; that Peterson had used a switch to discipline the boy; and because Goodell said he felt Peterson hadn't shown remorse.

"When indicted, you acknowledged what you did but said that you would not 'eliminate whooping my kids' and defended your conduct in numerous published text messages to the child's mother," Goodell wrote in a letter to Peterson released by the league. "You also said that you felt 'very confident with my actions because I know my intent.' These comments raise the serious concern that you do not fully appreciate the seriousness of your conduct, or even worse, that you may feel free to engage in similar conduct in the future."

In August, Goodell announced an enhanced crackdown on players involved with domestic violence. The league is also requiring Peterson to go through counseling and therapy. Goodell said in the letter that Peterson's reinstatement will be based on his success in counseling.

Today's Question: Did the NFL take the right action with Adrian Peterson?