Talking Volumes: Stacy Schiff and "The Witches"

The Witches
"The Witches" by Stacy Schiff
Courtesy of Stacy Schiff

Join Talking Volumes host Kerri Miller and author Stacy Schiff on November 10, 2015 at The Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul.

About Stacy Schiff

Stacy Schiff is a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer. She has written about the lives of Benjamin Franklin, Vera Nabokov, and Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Her last book, "Cleopatra: A Life" topped the bestseller lists.

From the publisher about "The Witches":

It began in 1692, over an exceptionally raw Massachusetts winter, when a minister's daughter began to scream and convulse. It ended less than a year later, but not before 19 men and women had been hanged and an elderly man crushed to death.

The panic spread quickly, involving the most educated men and prominent politicians in the colony. Neighbors accused neighbors, parents and children each other. Aside from suffrage, the Salem Witch Trials represent the only moment when women played the central role in American history. In curious ways, the trials would shape the future republic.

Talking Volumes
Talking Volumes, a partnership of Minnesota Public Radio and the Star Tribune, in collaboration with The Loft Literary Center

About the Host

Kerri Miller joined Minnesota Public Radio in June 2004 as host of Minnesota Public Radio News Midmorning and of Talking Volumes, the joint book club of MPR and the Star Tribune in collaboration with the Loft Literary Center. She has been a radio and television news reporter since 1981. She has won numerous awards, including the Society of Professional Journalists National Achievement Award, Minnesota Broadcasters Award, the Associated Press Award and a Gracie award from the Alliance for Women in Media.

About Tickets

Season tickets for Talking Volumes range from $69.00-$75.00. Single tickets range from $25.00-$30.00 with a VIP experience at $50.00. Members of Minnesota Public Radio, Star Tribune, and The Loft Literary Center receive a $2.00 discount on each standard price tier. Season tickets go on sale July 7th, and single tickets on July 23rd. Call the Minnesota Public Radio box office at 651-290-1200 or visit us on-line at for more information.

About Talking Volumes

Talking Volumes, a partnership of Minnesota Public Radio and the Star Tribune, in collaboration with The Loft Literary Center, is a winner of the prestigious Gracie Allen Award. Talking Volumes was noted for its superior quality in writing, production and programming. The program spotlights books with feature articles, live broadcasts with the author, in-person readings and discussions, and more.