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Daily Digest: More trouble at the U of M

Well, we made it to Friday. Here's the Digest:

1.More problems for the University of Minnesota's athletic programs, this time allegations involving football players. (MPR News)

2. Some workers aren't happy with Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges after she backed off on a push for tighter restrictions on businesses. (Star Tribune)

3. R.T. Rybak is picking a public fight with the chair of the Democratic National Committee. (New York Times)

4. It looks like Scott Walker's presidential campaign was deeply in debt. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

5. Rep. Paul Ryan's stand on immigration is a big reason why some conservatives don't think he should be Speaker of the House. (Politico)

I'm going to be out of town for a couple days, so the Digest won't be back until Tuesday. Have a good weekend and I'll see you then.