Today's Question Blog

What do you think of Mega Tuesday’s results?

"The GOP presidential field dropped by one candidate on Tuesday night, but Republicans are still no closer to uniting behind a nominee," reports NPR's Jessica Taylor.

Democrats, however, did get more clarity as Hillary Clinton racked up more wins over Bernie Sanders, extending her delegate lead and complicating the Vermont senator's nomination calculation.

In the Republican race, Donald Trump dealt a fatal blow to the campaign of Marco Rubio, the senator from Florida who suspended his campaign shortly after losing his home state to Trump.

"After tonight it is clear that while we are on the right side, we will not be on the winning side," Rubio told supporters in Miami.

The real estate mogul got a setback of his own in Ohio where sitting Gov. John Kasich beat Trump, taking all of the state's 66 delegates in the big winner-take-all contest.

Overall though, it still ended up being a very good night for Trump, as he picked up wins in North Carolina and Illinois that could still give him plenty of delegates to make up for the Ohio loss.

Today's Question: What do you think of Mega Tuesday's results?