Tensions high at pro-Trump rally at the Capitol

Supporters of President Trump and protesters clash at the Capitol.
Supporters of President Trump and protesters clash at the Capitol during the Trump rally.
Christopher Juhn for MPR News

St. Paul police detained at least five people for lighting fireworks to disrupt a weekend pro-Trump rally at the State Capitol.

The rally was one of several "March 4 Trump" events planned around the country.

It drew about 400 people to St. Paul, and around 50 anti-Trump protesters. Interactions between the two groups became heated at times. As the rally began, pro-Trump speakers reaffirmed their support for the president.

"Doesn't it feel good to be on the winning side this time?" Ruthie Hendrycks, founder of Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform, asked the crowd gathered in the Capitol rotunda. Her group supports Trump's recent actions on immigration.

Counter-protesters blew air horns in the face of Trump supporters.
Anti-Trump protesters blew air horns in the face of Trump supporters while clashing at the rally.
Christopher Juhn for MPR News

As Hendrycks spoke, an antil-Trump protester unfurled a banner reading "Y'all Racists." Trump supporters quickly covered it up with two American flags and the crowd roared approval.

Capitol security strained to keep the two sides apart. As the tension boiled over, demonstrators were led outside. Some Trump supporters followed them out, jeering insults.

Editor's note (March 4, 2017): This story was updated to include crowd numbers from the Associated Press. And a photo caption was clarified to better describe the scene.