U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem as tens of thousands protest in Gaza

Palestinian men carry an injured protester
Palestinian men carry an injured protester during clashes with Israeli forces near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
Mohammed Abed | AFP | Getty Images

The United States on Monday inaugurated its embassy in Jerusalem, recognizing the city as Israel's capital. Jerusalem has deep historic, religious and emotional ties for both Palestinians and Israelis, and both claim it as a capital.

The opening of the embassy marked the fulfillment of a campaign promise by President Trump, who did not attend the ceremony. "May there be peace," he said in video remarks played for the audience."

But the day was marked by violence and bloodshed, as tens of thousands of Palestinians protested the embassy opening and Israeli army forces killed more than 50 protesters, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. It said the dead include six children under age 18 and one paramedic. More than 1,200 were hurt in gunfire. The numbers of dead and injured continued to rise on Monday, and protests are expected to continue into Tuesday."

A selection of photos from Monday follows.