Audio queens: A discussion about women in audio technology

Everything you hear on TV, the radio, in a podcast, streaming devices, commercials, movie soundtracks and released by your favorite band has had the hands (and ears) of an audio engineer on them. And there's never been more ways to deliver that content to the audience—making the demand for skilled engineers higher than ever.

MPR News host Kerri Miller led a panel discussion with three women working in different audio engineering fields to talk about what got them interested, what their experience has been like, and why women are still outnumbered in the field.

Kerri was joined by:

Veronica Rodriguez, a Technical Director at MPR and former Radio Broadcast Engineer for the Minnesota Vikings

Katharine Horowitz, a Theatrical Sound Designer and composer, and a 2017 McKnight Theater Artist Fellow at the Playwrights' Center

Rhaelee Gronholz, a freelance live sound and studio engineer in the Twin Cities

Use the audio player above to listen to their discussion.