MPR News with Kerri Miller: Women of Faith

Women of faith: Nadia Bolz-Weber on the church, shame and sex

Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber's new book "Shameless: A Sexual Reformation"
Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber's new book, "Shameless: A Sexual Reformation," aims change the way Christian churches talk about sexuality.
Photo courtesy of MAKERS | Cover courtesy of Penguin Random House

Talking about sex makes people uncomfortable — especially in church.

But for many Christians, the church serves as a primary venue for sex education.

"If we're honest with ourselves, we could very quickly answer why parents and the church have so often obsessed over teenagers and sex: fear," Nadia Bolz-Weber writes.

As a pastor and the founder of a church called The House for All Sinners and Saints, she's spent a lot of time thinking about Christian teachings around sex and their focus on abstinence, heterosexuality and pregnancy.

"I believe strongly that the church, in general, has absolutely not gotten it right," Bolz-Weber continues.

Her new book, "Shameless: A Sexual Reformation," aims to reboot messages around sexuality that Bolz-Weber feels are harmful.

She joined MPR News host Kerri Miller for a conversation on why she's trying to forge a new Christian sexual ethic — and why she'd like it to focus on what she describes as "sexual flourishing" rather than thou-shalt-nots.

This conversation marks the beginning of a new series on MPR News with Kerri Miller. As women's voices in faith communities become louder, we're speaking with women who are energized by some of our most urgent policy, spiritual and philosophical questions. Use the audio player above to hear an edited version of their live discussion.