The Thread®

'This Book Is Not For You' -- but it is

'This Book Is Not For You' by Daniel A. Hoyt.
'This Book Is Not For You' by Daniel A. Hoyt.
Courtesy of publisher

Every week, The Thread checks in with booksellers around the country about their favorite books of the moment. This week, we spoke to Sarah Wilson of The Dusty Bookshelf in Manhattan, Kan.

This book is almost impossible to describe without revealing too much, according to bookseller Sarah Wilson. “It concerns a young man who has had a trouble past, and he stumbles into a situation that ends up getting really complicated, really fast. That would be my way of explaining thee plot without giving too much way.”

“It’s just a very unusual book … It’s very intriguing, it’s got a very dark, humorous edge to it,” Wilson said. “It’s kind of a fun, interactive book and it’s got a mystery to it.”