Daily dose of sweetness: Golden Valley neighbors find a well-spaced walk works wonders

From acts of kindness and sweet gestures to inspirational signs, here are some of the ways Minnesotans are lifting one another during the coronavirus pandemic.

Discover something that brightens your day? We may include it here. Email it to nyang@mpr.org.

Here's your daily reminder that social distancing does not mean social isolation.

Lindsay Gerten of Golden Valley and her neighbors have been gathering each evening for walks — with 6 feet of separation, of course.

"It was really important just to get out and talk to people and find out how everyone's doing. Catch up on what's going on in life," Gerten said. “I think everyone is in a very challenging place right now and we all need one another. Socializing is good but we know we need to do it from afar.

“So reach out to your neighbors. See how they're doing. Get some exercise. It's good for everyone.”

On Thursday night, a group spread out in the street and a yard to sing happy birthday to 8-year-old Lincoln Higgins, who won’t be able to celebrate with friends at a bowling alley as planned.