Morning Edition

Audio postcard: Roadside ditches full of floral riches

aquilonis flower
Aquilonis, or north wind bog orchid, in a roadside ditch near Gully Fen Scientific and Natural Area.
Courtesy of Kelly Povo and Phyllis Root

One of the best things about wildflowers is just that — they're wild. Which means they can crop up in the most unexpected places.

Our latest postcard from wildflower chasers Kelly Povo and Phyllis Root reminds us to stop and check for flowers no matter where you might be.

One of their favorite spots? A roadside ditch.

Off the side of the pavement near Gully Fen Scientific and Natural Area, Povo and Root spot a “rich” valley of plants, including the cup-like, fire-orange wood lily and green north wind bog orchid, the aquilonis.

“I’ve hardly ever seen an orchid in a ditch,” they said. “You can’t let a rich ditch go by.”