Social Issues

Minneapolis approves purchase agreement for Roof Depot site

People hold signs and speak during an Earth Day march
A general view of the old Roof Depot building rally on Earth Day.
Kerem Yücel for MPR News

The Minneapolis City Council Thursday approved a purchase agreement with the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI) for land at the center of a years-long controversy. 

The plot, known as the Roof Depot site, was targeted by the city for demolition. However, the Institute took legal action to stop it. 

EPNI had plans for an urban farm on the site and they were concerned that tearing the building down would be a pollution hazard. 

Council president Andrea Jenkins called the agreement a “win for the community.”

“I hope we can bring this project to its full fruition,” she said. “Because anything less would be a disservice to the community.”

EPNI lobbied lawmakers at the state Capitol last session to help them buy the land. The legislature approved more than six million dollars to help cover some costs — however, EPNI will still need to raise several million dollars.