Fighting disinformation: Can You Believe It?

Can You Believe It? is an initiative dedicated to uncovering how disinformation reaches consumers and providing tools to help our audience fight its spread. Are you seeing disinformation in your social media feeds? Share with us by emailing

Study: Twitter attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar are 'manufactured outrage' of a few
A study out this week details how a small group of bad actors started a tweet storm against Minnesota U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar long before her politics and identity became fodder for the president.
Fake news: How to spot misinformation
Where can you find accurate news? Life Kit wants to empower you to become a savvy, critical media consumer. This episode has five takeaways that will help you ask important questions to spot fake news and take steps toward correcting misinformation.
Can you believe it? On Twitter, false stories shared more widely than true ones
An MIT study tracked 126,000 stories and found that false ones were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than ones that were true. Twitter is asking outside experts to help it deal with the problem.