Minnesota's Diverse Communities Survey

MPR News and APM Research Lab have partnered to tune in to the experiences and opinions of Minnesotans across the state, with a special focus on voices less often included in the mainstream narrative.

Launched in April 2021, the Minnesota's Diverse Communities Survey offers important perspectives from racial and ethnic groups across the state. On this page you’ll find the stories behind these views as well as opportunities to share your own experience. Learn more about the survey from the APM Research Lab here.

Survey: Many Minnesotans distrust media
Many Minnesotans don’t trust the state’s news media or believe it does a good job of covering people like them. That’s the findings of the APM Research Lab’s new Diverse Communities Survey, which interviewed more than 1,500 Minnesotans about media trust and other topics.
What, why and how? More about this survey
At the core of this survey is our effort to provide as scientifically representative as possible a picture of the opinions and experiences of as many of Minnesota’s racial and ethnic groups as possible. Read more about why and how the survey was done from APM Research Lab’s Craig Helmstetter.
Survey: Minnesotans of color less likely to believe schools offer equal opportunities
A new survey finds 15 percent of respondents who are Black say Minnesota K-12 schools offer their students the same education as white children. But 48 percent of white respondents said the opportunities are the same regardless of race or ethnicity.
New survey finds white unvaccinated Minnesotans strongly against COVID-19 shots
A new survey by the APM Research Lab shows that there’s hesitation to get vaccinated among all unvaccinated Minnesotans, but that opposition to ever getting a shot is strongest among white residents.
Stacey Danner wavered on the vaccine, friends hope his story sways others to get shots
Stacey Danner was an ardent cheerleader and advocate for his north Minneapolis neighborhood, for Black entrepreneurs and for his wide circle of friends from all walks of life. But this spring, he wavered on getting a vaccine and fell gravely ill with COVID-19. His story illustrates that vaccine hesitancy in Minnesota’s Black community is complex.
Survey: Black Minnesotans have far less trust in police than white residents do
A survey by APM Research Lab, which is owned by MPR News’ parent company American Public Media, found that only one in five Black Minnesotans trust the police to do what’s right, compared to more than 70 percent of white Minnesotans.