Ground Level Blog

A couple of Baldwin residents have expressed surprise to learn they live in Minnesota’s third largest township. Here are some other interesting bits of trivia about Minnesota townships I compiled using data from the Minnesota Association of Townships. As of 2007, an estimated 937,585 Minnesotans lived in the state’s 1,786 townships. The smallest is Hangaard Read more →
The Big Commute
Baldwin residents often commute more than an hour to work each day.
Baldwin Township: A brief overview
Our first Ground Level project centers on a place called Baldwin Township. If you’ve never heard of it, you’re not alone. Many people who live there are only vaguely aware such a place exists. Even so, residents are facing some big issues, many of which they share with other Minnesotans. Here’s a brief overview of Read more →
Welcome to Ground Level, a new Minnesota Public Radio project examining how people are trying or could be working to make their communities better places to live. We aim to be on the ground with reporters, engaging residents and finding a variety of ways to tell stories of place.