Meet Max Sparber
Max Sparber is an award-winning author and journalist from Minneapolis. His writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and won both a Premack Award and a Page One Award, and his work has been published in The Guardian, Tablet, Modern Drunkard, and City Pages.
Recent Contributions
- Cube Critics discuss ‘Reagan’ and ‘Cuckoo’
- Critical DMs: ’I haven’t got a brain, only straw’ — Scarecrows at the Minnesota State Fair
- Ranking some of the State Fair’s weirdest moments
- Arts Briefs: Waters of history and race at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum
- A HUGE upheaval: A local improv theater loses two artistic staffers over issues of inclusion
- Arts Briefs: Awards a-plenty! Minnesota artists, authors and cornhole-players take home prizes.
- Infantoriums, embalmed whales and the Minnesota Ice Man: Weird State Fair tales
- Critical DMs: Minnesota-made comics
- Cube Critics discuss ‘Borderlands’ and ‘A Quiet Place: Day One’
- Art Briefs: Rendezvous and powwow in Grand Portage, and more