Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

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Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller
MPR News

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What do Americans want in 2016 presidential candidates?
The 2016 presidential race is well underway, with Ted Cruz making an official announcement of candidacy, along with likely bids from Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Are they the candidates voters want?
9 facts about emotional memories and recall
New science shows that when memories are attached to particularly emotional events, we're more likely to create a false memory.
Peter A. Zelles, a clinical psychologist in St. Paul, worries a new Minnesota medical records law could be "the end of psychotherapy as a useful treatment."
How mental illness changes a marriage
"There's no handbook on how to survive your young wife's psychiatric crisis," writes Mark Lukach. He spoke with MPR News' Kerri Miller.
This week lawmakers will vote on a measure to fix Medicare reimbursements for doctors.
Why so many Americans are stressed about money
There is a growing inequality stress gap: those who make less have higher levels of stress, according to The American Psychological Association's annual stress survey.