Pawlenty announces flood relief plan

Pawlenty announces flood aid
Gov. Tim Pawlenty traveled to Moorhead today to announce a $17 million package of aid to Minnesota victims of the Red River floods.
MPR Photo/Dan Gunderson

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is proposing a flood relief package of at least $17 million for Minnesota victims of the Red River floods.

The governor and two area lawmakers were in Moorhead today to announce the plan.

Pawlenty says it's likely an additional $50 million will be included in the state bonding bill to pay for flood mitigation projects.

Contingency dike in Moorhead
A contingency dike in a south Moorhead neighborhood was built to protect the area from the second crest of the Red River.
MPR Photo/Tom Robertson

"The money that's needed to do all of the flood mitigation projects that are ready to go in the next year or so will be included. That's something we are committed to," said Pawlenty. "We realize the recovery process is going to need other money as well, and that's the process we're outlining today."

The flood relief package includes money to pay the 25 percent share of flood fighting costs not covered by the federal government.

The governor also proposed money for road repair, help for schools affected by flooding, and loans for those whose homes were damaged by floodwaters.

Pawlenty's office says the package includes the entire estimated $9.18 million state and local match for federal FEMA disaster assistance.