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Summer heat & humidity (& storms?) today; Warmest year on record so far

Weather Headlines:

29 days at or above 90 in the metro so far in 2012 at MSP Airport

Near 90 today in the metro

Sticky 60s dew points one more day in southern Minnesota

Scattered rain & thunder possible today & especially tonight

Slight Risk - south & east of metro today

"Fresh Front" ahead Wednesday - Canadian cool front sails through

"Sep-tober?" Falll preview later this week...highs in the 60s?

2012 warmest year on record so far in the metro

3rd warmest summer on record at MSP Airport

3 of the 6 warmest summers at MSP have occured in the past 6 years

Drought buster - Isaac rains help ease drought in several states

MSP Quick Look Forecast: Sticky with thunder threat south today

Source: Twin Cities NWS

Duluth & Northern Minnesota: 60s later this week!

Source: Duluth NWS

Source: Twin Cities NWS

Summer hangs tough: One more 90-degree day?

Labor Day was day #29 at or above 90 at MSP in the sweaty summer of 2012.

We have one more shot at 90 in the metro today, how about a nice round 30 days of 90+ this summer? That is the most in 24 years since we hit a record of 44 days back in 1988.

With dew points in the sticky 60s, I can't rule out a few pop up T-Storms today. The best chance of a much needed lawn soaking will come overnight tonight into early Wednesday.

There is a slight risk a few of the storms could bubble up to severe limits, especially east & south of the metro.

Source: NOAA/SPC

2012: Warmest year on record so far:

If it feels like you're living a warmer sate this year, you're right.

So far 2012 is the warmest year on record at MSP, and for most of MN. We've also just sweated thought the 3rd warmest summer on record...and the highest number of 90 degree days in 24 years.

Source: Twin Cities NWS

It is interesting to note that 3 of the 6 warmest summers in the metro have occurred in the past 6 years since 2006.

Overall you're shelling out about 45% more this year for AC than in an average year when you add up "cooling degree days" in 2012. The flip side is you saved about that much last winter in heating costs

Fall Preview Ahead!

This week marks back to school and the unofficial start to fall in Minnesota.

The strongest cold front since May will blow through Minnesota right on schedule tomorrow.

High temps will hover in the 70s later this week in the metro, and temps may not climb out of the 60s up north.

Dew points will plummet into the 40s with this dry Canadian air mass. This may be a great week to get that painting or staining project done...or anything else that needs a dry stretch of weather.

"It takes a flood to end a drought." - Mark Twain

Drought Buster: Isaac brings beneficial rainfall to central states

We always cover the dangerous headlines with hurricanes, but did you know tropical weather systems also bring beneficial rains to drought areas?

Isaac delivered on the promise of multi-inch rainfall totals for parts of the central plains and Ohio Valley.

Check out the AHPS rainfall map for the past week. After dumping a flooding 10" to 20" in eastern Louisiana, Isaac brought anywhere from 2" to 8" rainfall from Arkansas through Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.


Now look at the latest U.S. Drought Monitor.

Source: NOAA/UNL

Notice how the so called "vowel states" really benefitted from heavy rain totals. Isaac essentially wiped out, or pushed back drought a category in many areas on the eastern part of the great drought of 2012. Depending on fall precipitation, this may be a big boost to soil moisture going forward into the spring of 2013.