Statewide Blog

State Fair goers react to possible U.S. strike on Syria

"I think there's no doubt that he used chemical weapons against his own people," said 68-year-old Gene Kulander of Deerwood. "But again we certainly don't want to get anymore boots on the ground in Syria after the debacles we'd had in Iraq and Afghanistan and personally myself when I was in Vietnam. So I think if we can do something with our allies and perhaps some missiles and stuff from the ships that are off shore already I think there has to be something done. The president kind of drew a line in the sand a few months ago." (MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik)

MPR News reporter Mark Zdechlik went to the Minnesota State Fair, where today is Military Appreciation Day,  to ask people how they think the U.S. should respond to the use of chemical weapons in Syria.  Many fair goers he talked with said they were veterans of the Vietnam War.