MPR News with Angela Davis

How to be your healthiest self

Fueled by social media, the conversation around health and weight can be fraught with inaccuracies. Americans are bombarded with thin models promoting potentially dangerous detox teas and TV shows like "The Biggest Loser" that depict extreme and unrealistic expectations around weight loss.

It's important to look at the facts around weight and the role it plays in overall health. The ideal weight for one person is not the same for another. The same goes for exercise, diet and other health choices. Any decisions about weight or weight loss should be made between a patient and a physician.

Two guests who are involved in the medical and fitness world joined host Angela Davis to discuss the development of healthy habits.


Brianna Bernard, personal trainer and nutrition coach

Dr. Carolyn Bramante, who specializes in obesity and works with both children and adults at University of Minnesota Health/Fairview. She's also an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

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