Morning Edition

How Minnesota hospitals are preparing for COVID-19

On Monday, Gov. Tim Walz laid out a stark projection: that between 40 and 80 percent of Minnesotans will contract COVID-19 before the outbreak runs its course.

According to Walz, the majority of those infected by the virus will recover without hospitalization, but Minnesota hospitals are already preparing for the most severe cases.

MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Dr. Rahul Koranne, president and CEO of the Minnesota Hospital Association. He said they’re formalizing efforts to gather medical masks and inventory ventilators.

“They are trying to collect and get a visual on where this equipment is, where it should be warehoused, who needs it most and how to distribute it,” said Koranne. “A lot is going on and we are actively preparing day and night.”

Koranne says it’s too early to tell whether cases in Minnesota will exceed hospitals capacity to care for critically ill patients. He urged people to avoid personal contact to try and slow the spread of the coronavirus.