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Ask a Bookseller: Laziness does not exist

Book cover and a person posing next to it
Price is a social psychologist, a professor at Loyola University of Chicago's School of Continuing and Professional Studies and the author of "Laziness Does Not Exist."
Left: Atria Books; right: Collin Quinn Rice

We’re solidly into January, which means many of us have had time to follow up on — or perhaps abandon — New Year’s Resolutions.

At a time of year when many people resolve to do more and better, bookseller Whit Robinson of Avid Bookshop in Athens, Georgia recommends one of her top reads: the nonfiction book “Laziness Does Not Exist” by Dr. Devon Price. 

Robinson says this the book came at a perfect time in her life.

As a neurodivergent person who finds social norms a challenge to navigate, she often struggled with feelings of shame and laziness in a society that expects and rewards productivity.

While struggling with burnout from a past job, Robinson found the language to address these feelings by reading “Laziness Does Not Exist.”

The author is a social psychologist and professor at Loyola College in Chicago, who draws from his experience as a person with autism who has experienced burnout.

Robinson says the writing style of this book is accessible for all readers.