MPR News Presents

Humankind documentary: Libraries Reimagined

A woman works in front of a computer while talking with another woman.
St. Paul Public Library community services coordinator Pang Yang (left) talks with her colleague Hindi Abdi at Rondo Community Library.
Christine T. Nguyen | MPR News 2019

Many libraries and some of their services have been closed off an on during this pandemic. But even while library buildings were closed to the public, staff continued to expand access to digital resources, launched virtual programs, and coordinated services with local government agencies. Some even offer "curbside pickup."

This is National Library Week... so this is the first of a 2-part documentary about the role of libraries in American life.

Here's a quote from Henry David Thoreau to consider: "Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.”

This is the first of a two-part documentary from the Humankind series, "Libraries Reimagined." It's about the ways libraries are evolving, and the role they play in educating, informing and entertaining people as well as protecting our democracy.

Libraries have been carried along by the tide of technology that has transformed so much of our modern life, and are offering a wide range of new services.